7 Types of Lead Generation Funnels To Get More Leads

lead funnel types

Lead generation is one of the most important steps when running an online business. While there are a lot of ways you can generate leads, the most effective one is to use a lead funnel.

A lead generation funnel is used to collect contact information, such as an email address. The lead funnel consists of two pages: an opt-in page and a thank you page. The opt-in page is used to capture email addresses, and the thank you page is used to give your leads what you promised.

The important thing to understand is that there are multiple types of lead funnels, which you can use in different ways. Keep reading to learn more and find out how you can get the done-for-you lead funnel templates.

Disclaimer: This article may contain affiliate links that I receive a small commission from, at no extra cost to you. You can read my full affiliate disclosure here.

What Are The 7 Types of Lead Generation Funnels?

There are in total 7 types of lead generation funnels you can use to get more leads into your business. By using one of these funnel types you could possibly increase your opt-in rates, as well as building your email list.

These lead funnels are great for collecting email addresses and other contact information, in exchange for giving value. If you give enough value to your visitors there should be no problem growing your email list. Let’s dive right into it.

1. Lead Magnet Funnel

lead magnet funnel

The lead magnet funnel is widely used by many marketers and entrepreneurs. This is a great way of attracting more customers into your business by offering a lead magnet.

The lead magnet funnel work like this:

You send your traffic to the lead magnet page where you offer a lead magnet in exchange for their email address. The lead magnet could be a free ebook, templates, video training etc. When the visitors see the value you’re giving them for free, they will opt in on the page.

After they’ve opted-in, they’re sent to the thank you page. Here you give them what you promised and possibly send them to another funnel of yours. This could be a video sales letter funnel or a membership site. You could also ask them to follow you on social media or subscribe to your YouTube channel.

The lead magnet funnel gives you the opportunity to grow your email list while giving free value to your audience. After they’ve opted in, you have the chance to keep sending emails to them with an automated email sequence.

2. Squeeze Page Funnel


The squeeze page funnel is pretty similar to the lead magnet funnel, but here you don’t necessarily give away a lead magnet. The squeeze page funnel is more like the traditional landing page.

Here’s how the squeeze page funnel work:

The squeeze page funnel consists of two pages. You send your traffic to page number one, the squeeze page. Here your only goal is to collect their email address. You steal their focus with an eye-catching headline and write about what they get by entering their email. When they opt-in and become a lead, they’re sent to the thank you page.

On the thank you page you deliver what you promised on the squeeze page. Here you also have the opportunity to include more call-to-actions, like follow you on social media, subscribe to your YouTube channel, or sending them to one of your sales funnels.

Note: The squeeze page is often used with other types of sales funnels because it is an excellent way of collecting email addresses before sending them to a sales page. This way you have the opportunity to send promotional emails in the future.

3. Reverse Squeeze Page Funnel

The Reverse SQUEEZE PAGE Funnel

The reverse squeeze page is another lead generation funnel you can use to collect email addresses. Here you give value before your traffic opt-in.

On the reverse squeeze page, you give your visitors something free and valuable like a ”how-to guide” in exchange for their email address. when you’ve given the value you can ask them to ”opt-in for more information” and then send them to the thank you page.

On the Thank You page you give your leads more information on the topic you talked about on the reverse squeeze page. From here you could send them to another funnel or a digital course selling your products on the topic.

4. Bridge Funnel

bridge funnel

The bridge funnel (also called an affiliate funnel) is often used by affiliate marketers to collect email addresses and pre-frame their visitors before sending them to the sales page.

This is a great way to build your email list as an affiliate marketer. On the landing page (a squeeze page) you grab their attention with an eye-catching headline followed by information to increase curiosity around your product. Then write ”optin for more information” and add a call-to-action button.

When your visitors have opted in, they’re sent to the bridge page. The goal of a bridge page is to close the gap between your lead and the product you’re promoting. Here you include a video explaining what that product can do for them and how it can solve a problem they have.

You could also include social proof which is testimonials by others that have used the product.

After you’ve pre-framed your affiliate offer and closed the gap between the visitor and the product, you are ready to send them to the sales page.

If you do a good job pre-framing your affiliate product on the bridge page, you should see a jump in the conversion rates, because this strategy works quite well.

5. Survey Funnel


Have you ever taken a survey online before and ended up entering your email address because you just had to know the result? That’s how the survey funnel works.

Using a survey funnel is a great way to get to know your audience and industry by asking them simple questions, and you get to build your email list at the same time.

When your visitors go through the survey, they make micro-commitments for every question answered. Then when it’s time to get the results of the survey, you ask them for their email address.

Which page you send them to next is based on the answers they gave in the survey. My advice is to send them to a bridge page where you give them value and information based on the survey. Then you send them to a product or training that fits their needs.

This is a great way of giving your traffic exactly what they need. If they’re presented with an offer that’s customized to their needs, they will be easier to convert into customers.

6. Ask Campaign Funnel


If you already have a following or email list you could use an Ask Campaign Funnel to figure out what your audience really wants. The ask campaign funnel is used to get answers around a topic from people in your industry.

Typically, the open-ended question starts with ”what’s your #1 challenge/question with XYZ?”

This is a great way to get new ideas about what products you could create to serve your industry better. After the ask campaign is done, you send the traffic to a thank you page where you can give them something in return for having participated.

To learn more about how you could use an Ask Campaign Funnel in your exact industry download the free PDF Funnel Hackers Cookbook here.

7. Application Funnel

application funnel

The Application funnel is often used by agencies and businesses offering high-end services. The goal of this lead funnel is to generate super high-quality leads by making them apply to become a client of yours.

On the landing page (a reverse squeeze page) you have a video that explains what your business does, and at the same time, you increase interest in your service. When the prospects choose to move forward they opt-in on the page to get to the application page.

The application page includes questions that your visitors can answer. You might ask how they may have use for your service and why you should choose to work with them. When they’re done with the application, they submit the page and are sent to the thank you page.

On the Thank You page you could give your leads something for free, while you process the applications.

The application funnel is used to generate high-quality leads. With this, we mean contact information such as email address, phone number, full name etc. You should also ask for business details if you do b2b marketing, and ask what specific problems they have that they need help to solve.

After you’ve got the applications, you need to go through each one of them and figure out which client is best for your business.

What Is a Lead Generation Funnel?

A lead generation funnel (the lead funnel) is a systematic process of generating new leads for your business, which can be turned into potential customers in the future.

The lead funnel normally consists of two pages, but this can depend on which type of funnel you choose to use. The first page of the lead funnel is often the Optin Page, also referred to as a landing page, squeeze page, reverse squeeze page or lead magnet page. All of these pages have only one goal in mind, and that is to collect email addresses to generate new leads.

While there are different strategies on how you can do this, as we talked about in the different types of lead funnels above, they are all pretty much the same. You send traffic to a landing page where you give the visitor value in exchange for their email address.

You don’t need to create something fancy or the next Facebook to generate new leads for your business.

Just simply choose one of the lead funnel types above, download the template and install the funnel into your Clickfunnels account. Then create something that would be valuable for your audience and use that as an exchange for their email address.

If you for some reason don’t want to use one of the lead generation funnels above, you could start creating one from scratch by following the step-by-step guide below.

How Do You Set Up A Lead Generation Funnel?

Creating a lead funnel is pretty simple compared to the other types of funnels because you don’t have to integrate payment gateways like in a buyer funnel, or create long webinars like in a webinar funnel.

Simpler said, you only need an opt-in page where you collect their email address and a Thank You page for saying thanks for opting in and give them what you promised.

Below you’ll find my guide to building a lead generation funnel from start to finish. This includes everything you need to know about setting up a high converting lead funnel, let’s dive right into it…

1. Create a Lead Magnet

You need to create a reason for people to give you their email addresses. This is why we create lead magnets, simply exchange them with an email address. But how do you create a good lead magnet?

When creating a lead magnet you don’t need it to make it too fancy. You aren’t exactly creating a course to sell for thousands of dollars.

Here are some examples of lead magnets you could create for free:

  • Checklist
  • Cheatsheet
  • Template
  • eBook
  • Swipe File
  • Script
  • Toolkit
  • Recipes
  • Workout Plan
  • How-to Guide
  • And more…

The possibilities are endless. You need to take a look into your niche and figure out what people need. You could also look at what lead magnets other people use to generate leads and make your own version of that.

2. Create An Opt-In Landing Page

When you have created a lead magnet you can give away for free in exchange for an email address, it’s time to create the opt-in landing page. This is the first page in your lead generation funnel.

As I’ve shown you in the examples above, most landing pages are quite similar. The only goal of this type of web page is to capture email addresses.

So where do you start?

You could take a look at the examples listed above and choose from them. All of them come with done-for-you templates that you can start using today.

If you want to create a landing page from scratch I recommend choosing Clickfunnels as your platform to host it. Inside Clickfunnels you can build simple landing pages and complete lead generation funnels, with an easy-to-use page builder.

Clickfunnels Free Trial: Click Here To Start Your Free Trial On Clickfunnels

With Clickfunnel you can also choose between hundreds of pre-made templates customized to your industry so that you don’t have to do all the job yourself.

3. Setup An Automated Email Sequence

As a part of every lead generation funnel, you should include an automated email sequence. This is to build your email list and have the opportunity to send your audience new offers in the future.

If you chose to start your free trial on Clickfunnels using the link above, you’re able to create an email sequence within the platform. The feature is called Follow-up funnels and is available at Clickfunnels platinum plan.

The advantage of using Clickfunnels’ built-in email service is that you get all of your marketing tools in one place. This is good because you don’t have to spend money on multiple services that charge monthly fees.

On the other hand, if you are looking to save some money on your email marketing, then going with a cheaper service will do the job as well. The email marketing service I trust and use myself is GetResponse.

GetResponse is a platform that can handle all of your email marketing. The service includes newsletters, autoresponders, templates, and everything you need to create a successful email campaign. You can start your 30-day free trial with the link below:

Create Your Account: GetResponse 30 Day FREE Trial Here

4. Start Generating Traffic

When you’re done setting up your lead generation funnel, it’s time to generate traffic. Which traffic source you should go for, depends upon your specific niche.

Ask yourself this question: Where is your dream customer located online?

Some industries have most of their customers on Pinterest, others have them on Google and YouTube.

If you have no idea where to begin, then you could try solo ads to start generating traffic to your funnel. Solo ads drive traffic to your landing page through someone’s email list. You only pay for the number of visitors you want, and the seller sends out an email to his list and sends the traffic to you.

This way you always get the amount of traffic you pay for. It’s basically guaranteed traffic. You can also find the seller with an email list that fits your offer the best, that’s how you get quality traffic.

There are a lot of places you could buy solo ads, but the one I recommend and have used myself is Udimi. It’s a platform that consists of hundreds of sellers in all kinds of industries. Click here to check out Udimi.


If you are looking to get more leads and scale your online business, then these lead generation funnels will be to big help. I hope you learned a lot from this article. If you did, feel free to share it with your audience and help as many people as possible. Keep grinding!

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