7 Reasons You Need A Sales Funnel: Benefits & Advantages

7 Reasons You Need A Sales Funnel_ Benefits & Advantages

If you are not sure you need a sales funnel in your business, there are many reasons why you might want one. Not only can a sales funnel increase your earnings, but it can also simplify and automate your sales process.

In this article, I’m going to show you all the major benefits and advantages you get, by having a sales funnel. This way you can make up your mind if you need one yourself.

Let’s jump right into it…

You Might Also Like: 21 Types of Sales Funnels (With Visual Examples)

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What Are The Advantages of a Sales Funnel?

the online sales funnel

There are lots of advantages to using a sales funnel, compared to using a traditional website or eCommerce store. An online sales funnel is created and customized to each of your products or services. It’s not like a general website where you have all of your offers crunched into one page.

A sales funnel is built to maximize your revenue and still deliver a great customer experience…

Here are 7 reasons you need a sales funnel in your business.

1. Automates The Selling Process

Benefit number one with using a sales funnel, is the ability to automate the selling process.

In the ”old days” small companies had to hire teams of web designers, copywriters, salesmen, and more to operate their business in an efficient way.

Today you can use a simple sales funnel to do all the tasks you need to operate your business online. Set it up once, and it will be there forever selling your products for you. Here’s a quote from Russell Brunson:

I went from having 60 full-time salespeople down to one, and it’s not even a person, it’s a funnel.

Russell Brunson, Founder of ClickFunnels

Instead of having to deal with a bunch of employees, freelancers, and agencies, you can set up the sales funnel all by yourself without any tech experience.

Having a sales funnel in your business, is like having the best salesperson closing sales for you 24/7 365, without ever asking for a rise or taking a break.

When you’ve launched the funnel, all you need to do is to send traffic to it. Each person that lands on your funnel will be taken through each step of the process and potentially end up as a customer. Without you needing to lift a finger.

Sales funnels do more than just automating the sales process, they also increase the average cart value of each person that goes through your funnel…

2. Increase The Average Cart Value

One of the most important things when running an online business is to maximize your earning potentials of each visitor you send to your sales page.

By using a sales funnel you can increase the average cart value of each person that goes through your funnel. This means you can possibly earn more for the same amount of traffic you generate.

How is this possible?

With a sales funnel you can set up upsell-, down sale- and One-Time-Offer pages after your initial sales page. This will give you more chances to offer products to your customer right after they’ve bought something from you.

If you’re familiar with the term ”hyperactive buyers” you know this strategy is a gold mine.

A hyperactive buyer is someone that purchases more than one thing once they start shopping. After they’ve bought the product they came for, you can offer them more similar products that solve more of their problems.

By increasing the average cart value of each person that goes through your sales funnel you’ll not only earn more but also get the chance to outspend your competition on ads and promotions. Because you can charge more to acquire a customer than your competitors.

3. Helps In Conversion Rate Optimization

Another reason you should consider using an online sales funnel in your business is that you can optimize your conversion rates.

With a sales funnel you can easily go in and tweak different pages to optimize the conversion rates. You can test different pages, sales copies and more with the right sales funnel software.

This is a must for most businesses because you need to test and tweak your offer and funnel to get the most out of it.

Because the sales funnel is divided into multiple steps and pages, you can easily find out which pages perform the best. With this knowledge, you can tweak the ones that need to be improved to optimize your conversion rates and opt-in rates.

You could also run A/B split tests to find out which version of a page has the better conversion rate.

4. Delivers A Better Customer Experience

When running a business and selling products online it’s all about delivering a good customer experience. If you manage to do that, a lot of your customers will come back and check if you have more to offer.

A sales funnel allows you to deliver the best customer experience possible. How is that?

When you sell your products online, all you do is solving problems for your customers. Obviously, they have more problems than your one product can solve alone.

If you manage to find out what issues they might have next, after purchasing your product or service, you could create a solution to that problem and offer it as an upsell or One-Time-Offer.

By doing that you’re able to make more money and deliver a better customer experience.

The sales funnel allows you to present a solution to their problem, even before they know it themself. That is a good customer experience.

This will also lead to a better relationship between you and your customers. You’ll become the healer, not the seller.

5. Allows You To Outspend Your Competitors

Another huge reason why you need a sales funnel in your business is that it allows you to outspend your competitors.

If you can spend more to acquire a customer than your competitors, you’ll always have the upper hand.

The reason sales funnels are great for paid advertising is because you instantly get to see if it’s working or not, and you get to break even on ad spend.

Then you can spend more money to generate traffic and get more customers, which leads to more money in the bank.

To learn more about how you can use a sales funnel in your business, check out The One Funnel Away Challenge. It’s a 30-day training that’s going to show you how to build a sales funnel from scratch and how to generate traffic to it.

6. Build Your Brand and Relationships

Building a relationship with your customers online is more important than ever before. The more they trust you, the more likely they’re going to buy from you.

With a professional-looking sales funnel you’re able to build trust and convert more traffic into customers.

You’re also able to collect email addresses with an online sales funnel because the first page you send your traffic to is a lead capture page.

This way you get to capture email addresses and nurture your leads through email campaigns. That is important because it allows you to ascend the relationship with your customers and build awareness around your brand.

7. Easy To Track Your Optin- & Conversion-Rates

Most sales funnel software allows you to track your funnel stats, so you know which pages convert the best and which ones need to be improved.

This is a massive advantage because knowing how your sales funnel performs is going to help you to find out which parts of your business you need to be working on.

If you don’t pay attention to the statistics, there is a good chance that you’re leaving money on the table.

Your funnel stats may show you the optin rates, conversion rates, traffic, and more. Which all of them are important metrics for a business selling products online.

Keep reading: Sales Funnels vs Website: Do You Need Both?

Final Words

There you have 7 reasons why your business needs a sales funnel. The most important benefits and advantages of having a sales funnel explained.

To recap the article, here are the reasons you need to use a sales funnel:

  1. A sales funnel automates the selling process of your online business.
  2. It increases the average cart value of each person that goes through your funnel because of the Upsell, Downsale, and OTO pages.
  3. The sales funnel helps in optimizing your conversion rates.
  4. It helps you to deliver a better customer experience to your visitors.
  5. A sales funnel allows you to outspend your competitors because you can spend more to generate traffic and still make a profit.
  6. It helps you build your brand and relationship with your customers.
  7. A sales funnel makes it easy to track your opt-in rates, conversion rates, and more. This will make it easy to understand what pages are working and which ones are not.

There you have the major benefits of using a sales funnel. I hope you understand the power of a sales funnel after reading this article. The traditional website is no longer a sustainable way of selling your product or service online.

You should choose to go with a sales funnel to get the most out of every visitor.

If you are unsure of how and where you can create a sales funnel for your business then I highly recommend you check out Clickfunnels which is the leading sales funnel builder on the market. Click here to visit Clickfunnels homepage.

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